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“It lost almost 100 supports in the last month – almost a quarter of its base” So? They’ve been controversial from the the get go, and a lot were pissed with their bitch fight (a month ago).

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I’m not an aalim, but if anyone is here, would they please provide any more ahadeeth on the topic? Jazakumullahu khairan.

To end this bayaan I would like to leave you with the following: 1. Being one of multiple wives is a great Jihaad. But not all of us may have the capacity of it. May Allah grant us an equal reward with those tests we will be able to bear if this is not one of them.

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But go ahead and ignore everything here, twist my argument into something boring like “you just hate women!!111!”, and accuse me of being an MRA dudebro and a virgin living in a basement, I wouldn’t expect anything else.

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Dishwashing machine not reaching adequate sanitizing concentration. Utensils are not being properly sanitized. Three compartment sink set up to sanitize dishes until machine can be fixed. Sanitize coffee maker between uses. Wiping cloths must be stored in a bucket of water with adequate sanitizer concentration. Clean and sanitize food contact surfaces as specified in text. Specifically, meat slicer needs to be cleaned to sanitary conditions.

I also think that because I am relatively young, the people I know and talk to about these sorts of things are also relatively young, so I don’t see college age Muslimahs having a problem with crushing on shuyukh as much as they do as the shaykh’s homey, who is also around the same age. From what I can tell for my peers, the guy who’s always chilling with the shaykh or getting special shout-outs is more of a fitnah than the shaykh (who is old!!!) himself.

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Its OK for unmarried men and women to try find life partners in religious classes, these are good places blessed by angels. I mean we are not expecting our sisters to find marriage partner in a nightclub or disco are we ????

A glimpse into the obscure world of Israel’s state archives – Haaretz Magazine – Haaretz | Mending Wind Fume Hood Related Video:

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