Wiping cloths must be stored in a bucket of water with adequate sanitizer concentration. Set up wiping cloth buckets properly and at start of all shifts. Maintain wiping cloth buckets for use continually. Inspector comments: Be sure to set up sani bucket at the beginning of each shift and every four hours after (corrected on-site).
5. During the time of Prophet Mohammad PBUH, in Makkah and Madina, were there single females? Yes or No?
Trash and debris was observed in the hand sink, which must be used for hand washing only. The hand sink at the front of the restaurant did not have a hot water valve. Eggs were stored above ready-to-eat foods.
The dishwashing machine was not reaching adequate sanitizing concentration. Please use the kitchenware washing unit until the bar unit is serviced.
All of this is at your disposal as you welcome people into the houses of Allah with a smile, which is also a charity, seeking no smile but the smile of the Divine on the day of judgment. You may be exhausted in these days of service, but you also are running away with the rewards of everyone’s worship. When someone fails to appreciate you, look forward to the appreciation of Allah as compensation. When someone advises you, smile at them again and consider their counsel.
Indeed some people are actively creatinga culture where you feel you have to apoligise for just being male, and say “I’m not one of those guys”.
“She offers no comparison between female and male tropes, and female and male treatment. You cannot reach a conclusion with no control group.”
I have found friction growing between husbands and wives (shuyookh) because of the amount of disrespect with one another during such events. Why, because the Sheikh starts to like some sister and some sisters likes some sheikh and all this happened because of lack of having each other around.
Several dented cans were found in dry storage. The operator isolated the cans for credit. The product found in the prep table near the grill was above 41 F (sliced tomatoes, deli turkey, milk-based dressings). The operator stated the product was last checked for temperature at approximately 6 a.m. however, the lid had been ajar all day. All potentially hazardous food was removed from the case and restocked. The case appears to be holding below 41 F when the lid is closed. The establishment clearly labels all product with the date of preparation. However, product is not being monitored and either used or discarded within seven days. The operator discarded all old product (predominantly dressings and sauces). Sliced potatoes intended for use as home fries were found stored below raw beef. They were moved to another part of the walk-in, there was no evidence of contamination. Boxes of raw beef were stored on the floor of the back walk-in refrigerator. All scoops and dispensing utensils should be stored so that they are protected from contamination and the handle is not in the product. Small bowls and single-service containers are not acceptable scoops. The operator was reminded that dishes should not be stacked until they have air-dried completely after washing. Ensure that baked potatoes intended to be cooled and reheated are pierced to allow steam to vent and the potatoes to cool properly.
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Restrooms were locked and the water off at the time of the inspection. The operator was concerned about a recent break-in. The restrooms will be secured and reopened within 24 hours. Keep them available to customers or remove tables. Due to recent events, the operator may keep doors locked unless a customer requests a key, and the doors may remain locked after dark. Keep all opened containers covered. Replace the cover on the ice machine. Clean the can opener after each use. Repaired the damaged roof and ceiling in the storeroom. Check for mold and remedy as necessary.
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