I’m not familiar with any of those games, but I’ve read his description of them and this is a head spinningly lame way to respond to them.
I have noticed something recently with some of the brothers who lecture here in the U.S. – they don’t always follow the Sunnah of Rasoolillah (saw) by placing a screen between themselves and the women in the audience. I have seen these brothers stand, make comments (very relevant comments) and have physical gestures and laughing that is rather flirtatious. Brothers think they are not obliged to practice modesty, but they are required. Women can be tempted just as men can be, and men neglect modesty at the same time neglect the Sunnah of Rasoolillah (saw).
The inspector observed no hand washing by the food handlers. Do not touch ready-to-eat garnishes with bare hands. Wiping cloths must be stored in a bucket of water with adequate sanitizer concentration. There was no sanitizer bucket set up in the bar. Clean and sanitize the ice machine interior. Create a paper log to keep track of the cleaning schedule and place it on the ice machine.
You can compare many different claims, yes, but we were talking about two specific peoples arguments – the points of view they are getting across. I don’t think I was simplifying Jack Thompson’s arguments to make it sound worse. I think that is exactly his argument, and the reason he has CAMPAIGNED for violent video games to be banned.
Thermometers are not provided or placed in a conspicuous location in refrigeration units. There are no self-closing doors on restrooms.
Not sure about your final point there at all. So she should’ve kept quiet about the harassment and not told anybody? Why shouldn’t she call them out? The behaviour is inexcusable.
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2) Just because a notion is preconceived doesn’t mean it’s wrong. So this gets us nowhere by itself. If a detective immediately suspects X was responsible for the murder, and then subsequently proves it, it doesn’t matter a jot that he began with a presumption,
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