What stupid fucking contradiction?! You’re using the primitive, annoying feminist tactic of throwing the “MRA” label at anyone who disagrees with you. I told you to cut that shit out.”
You then accuse her of ‘cherry-picking’. By this you mean she chooses key examples that support her case that certain tropes recur in video games. This is an entirely legitimate way to make an argument. Have you ever written a literary essay? Or performed a critical analysis of anything? You use quotations. Quotations are, by their nature, cherry-picking.
I think this might be because many of us lack knowledge of the very basic etiquette of the Deen. Like, you said that a married woman e-mailed a Shaykh that she was dissatisfied with her husband and wanted to marry him…Astaghfirullaah! She is is the nikah of a man, and she is talking to a strange man complaining about her husband and seeking to replace him! A woman engaged to another man isn’t allowed to be sought by another man for marriage, so what about a woman who is already married?! The basics, that’s what we need. Which comes from the Qur’aan, a lot of it really!
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Umm Salama said, “I was with the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, when Maymuna was with him. Ibn Umm Maktum came, and that was after we had been commanded to veil ourselves.
The assembly itself is very simple, and took me working by myself under 15 minutes from the moment I sliced open the tape on the shipping box to the finished product. While the instructions recommend having a second pair of hands for an assist, I didn’t encounter any major snags working by myself (though I would’ve preferred if the side brackets on the seat, onto which you mount the backrest, had been aligned vertically, instead of having to muck with the dangerously high tension adjustment handle). Everything snaps or screws easily into place, and I didn’t encounter any issues with awkward alignment or difficult to center screwholes.
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