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>No, she would be being dishonest by telling everyone she was going to study gender tropes that effect both men and women in games, and then only looking at the ones effecting women. She’s been upfront about what she wants to study, and that’s her choice.

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JazakAllahu khair to both the sisters. I am really moved by your comments. I never had a crush nor did I compare any shaykh with my dad or my husband BUT I always thought a wife and a daughter of a shaykh to be lucky, because her husband/father was knowledgeable and she can have access to it anytime! I never thought about the problems faced by them maybe because I never gave a deep thinking over it. I ask Allah SWT to give patience to all the wifes and daughters of Skaykhs, to make things easy for them, to accept their sacrifices, to strengthen their close relationships,give baraka in their TIME and to grant them Jannatul-Firdaus.

It speak volumes about how stereotypically arrogant and frankly stupid this whole article is, when it attempts to defeat a documentary without knowing what it argues at all, using nothing but making fun of people for the way they look. Which then becomes twice hillarious when you look at the author’s own image, where he waddles around in his belief that “if you don’t agree with me that my feelings should dictate what everyone plays, you’re a dick.”

Flammable Safety Cabinet

Bottom line: Small refinements make an already extremely comfortable series of chairs even more delightful.

There was improper scoop/tong storage at the service station in bulk rice and beans, and in the sauces in the walk-in refrigerator. Knives at the bar were being stored in the crevice of the counter. Ensure that utensils are used and stored in a manner that protects both the scoops and the product from contamination. Dispense straws through a covered dispenser or provide individually wrapped straws. The ice bucket was stored under the kitchen hand sink and should be hung on the hook provided. There was build-up on the beverage gun, ice machine drip plate and soda fountain ice chute. Ensure equipment is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. The ice machine and soda fountain may be wiped down with sanitizer in between regular cleanings. Reattach the drain line for the beverage gun holster. The coving at the corner by the walk-in refrigerator is chipped and needs to be replaced. Floors under equipment and counters should be cleaned more frequently.

The important thing is not to transgress, cross the boundary and we all know what that boundary is : not to be all alone together and commiting khalwat or zinah. the punishment for zinah which is proven, let me remind all, is stoning to death for married man and woman, but for non married, is a hundred ;lashes or so. So know the law and dont transgress the boundary, thats all. if you like the sister, just marry her to avoid any sin, if you dont like, you have the right to reject any marriage proposal. and for the wives of shaikhs, they should emulate the wives of the prophet and stop complaining because polygamy is allowed by Allah.

>The idea of cultural norms is best emphasised by comparison to another culture. They may do things differently to what you are used to that will seem weird and not normal. Because the things in your culture have been repeated so often to you, and you didn’t question any of it; it’s just normal.

Flammable Safety Cabinet

She was criticized early on in her Youtube career for very apparently not having viewed the media that she criticized this is the biggest no-no as far as media critique that there is. She heavily censored comments, I commented a few times to voice my criticism, I did my best to be respectful and those comments were never published or responded to. Much was the same with many comments I’m sure. Eventually she figured out that by banning comments altogether she could get the control she really desired over her image.

She’s talking about gender representation (largely) in mainstream AAA games – in which the demographic (not everyone who plays them, but the safe market being catered for) are 14-19 year old males. In which the culture is ‘a closed geek culture’, and where the people within that culture may well see this as the last bastion of masculine culture that is being threatened by The Feminists.

Or if it was to show that there’s a bunch of rotten cherries and she’s found some healthy ones, then no she hasn’t.

Regarding the proper vs practical procedure of finding a spouse, I believe all the preceding viewpoints can be implemented. Firstly, our deen comes from the Quran and the Sunnah, and we are allowed to use modern means that do not interfere/contradict those two things. I believe meeting/finding a suitable match at an Islamic is event is perfectly fine, but we must also remember to beware of the bounds set by Allaah (Azza wa Jal) while implementing the sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (sal Allaahu alaihi wa salam). Scenario: You see a sister/brother you find attracted [due to whatever reason, preferably deen ]. You find someone to ascertain their/their wali’s contact info. Sisters will then have that information given to their wali/wakil. At a later time (or even at that event) the male and the wakil will then begin to have discussion with the sister. This is all halal, and chaperoned, but still happened in a pragmatic way.

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