Secretlab Titan Gaming Chair Review – A Gaming Chair for Real Gamers | Hpl Board For Lab

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No one would give two fucks about her if she wasn’t a confirmed LIAR. But, just like this “author” (who, might I add used that lovely adverb “allegedly” before “prominent youtubers” – to that I’d say fuck off), the SJW cult follows of Anita don’t care about her means or motive. She is wrapped in a cloak of self-righteousness, so for them, the only thing that matters is the cause (and their ability to appropriate outrage from groups they aren’t a part of and therefore inelligible to speak on behalf of) to fuel a culture of professional victimhood and censorship. These are the worst kinds of human beings, utterly devoid of reasoning skill, critical thinking ability, and a completely unintentional (despite the rampant love of hispterism) ironic position as loving to stereotype and smear those who disagree, rather than engage in a civil, rational discourse.

“But, even crediting this view, the law is clear that ‘information gathering’ sessions fall within the Sunshine Law’s requirements,” the complaint says.

Except, judging by your conversations here, it totally is the case (they describe to you a situation which, if true, would totally be Sarkeesian quote-mining the game and then adding misleading commentary on top; and you don’t even try to debunk it, and basically all but admit that they’re right when you say “so what? that’s not the point at all! she can’t be misrepresenting, after all the videos are aimed straight at us gamers and not in any way at grey-haired leftist politicians and unsuspecting schoolkids who whould be shown her academic YT videos! there are third world countries where academics quote like this all the time!”), and you gamers who technically should know better still go out of your way to deny the truth and defend your idol. Why? Ideological bias, bitch – it’s a thing. And a powerful thing it is.

But the way I see it, if a portion of developers (or reviewers) buy into this idea that things like that are sexist and it affects their work in some way, that would still be a problem and hence should be opposed to.

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Of course comic books don’t encourage juvenile delinquency or rock lyrics encourage suicide – and those themselves are stereotypes. But they are part, as discussed, of a wider media. So, let’s say, rock lyrics talking about a woman being property contributes to an idea that women are property. Then, this is reinforced by a comic book showing her this way. And a game, and a film, and an avert. Etc etc.

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“>Additionally, failing to identifying the tropes that show stereotypical or regressive depictions of men is not a flaw in her argument . Because the scope of her study, as outlined, is representations and tropes of female characters in games.

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