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“Nevermind the possibility that sometimes we like to play a tragedy, and when you are a straight male, nothing invokes an emotional response from your audience like the death of the person you love.”

And lastly, we should all check our intentions. The Shaykh and the students alike should lower their gaze and realize that we are all going to be judged for our acts on the Last Day. Moreover, there should be more efforts made by the organizers of such events to avoid mixing of the two genders.

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There were no date or product labels on the repackaged cream cheese or prepared cold drinks. Items must be labeled with the common name and date of preparation to ensure they are served or discarded within seven days. There is no thermometer in the front refrigeration case. Install one and ensure the unit holds at 41 F or below. If using reusable wiping cloths, they must be stored in a bucket of sanitizer solution between each use. IF spray bottles are used, paper towels or a fresh cloth must be used each time. Single-use gloves are not being worn as required to prevent contact with ready-to-eat foods. Ensure blenders and other equipment are properly washed, rinsed and sanitized at least every four ours. Do not stage clean blenders near the drive-through hand sink.

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Having said that, the number of people with real knowledge and actual PRACTICE of Islam is so few, that when sisters (and brothers!) come across those of the opposite gender that appear to have those qualities, it is but natural for them to admire that and wish to have it (or them) for themselves. There’s nothing wrong with that per se – we just need to NOT act upon it in a manner that isn’t befitting of a Muslim.

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2. The other thing is that; most of the Speakers in the West; UK, US, are students of islamic knowledge and are to be referred as ‘Daee’s’ or Thulabul ilm. All due respect to them, they have a long way to go to reach the level of a ‘shaykh’…and that path is constantly being upon seeking ilm, researching, studying, acting by it and teaching it to others. Then in time Allah will raise that persons status and make him/her for people to refer to for ilm and fatwah and other well known Scholars who are upon the Sunnah and Salafiyyah, whether from Saudi, Yemen, Jordon, Kuwait, Egypt and other places will refer that person to be a Scholar.

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on point! exactly. this is just another prime example of how the way gender relations within the Ummah is not sustainable.

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It was this sort of idealization of Muslim men (especially of those with knowledge) that costs me my marriage. I made some mistakes in the marriage, but my spouse’s delusional ideas about how a Muslim man should be (perfect, based on some celebrity shuyukh) led her to constantly judge and abuse me to no end — always comparing me to other men and constantly mistrusting me because I did not fulfill the “perfect” model presented in books and lectures.

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