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I’ve already covered a lot of this in previous responses to you, so I’ll just pick out anything new. (and I think my response will still end up being too long).

Ironically Anita herself does not matter and neither do these two guys. Companies will pander to her if it gets them more sales. They will likely change nothing or drop her the moment they get their chance. Youtube is pretty much for entertainment anyway. Social change does not come from youtube or tumblr. No one really cares about either.

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“We want to make the land better than it was,” Bobby said. “Soil conservation is part of our family, starting with our father. We don’t want to be on the ‘bleeding edge;’ we want to be on the cutting edge. We love our land and animals. If you like something, you improve it.”

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Well a number of feminist beliefs are defended much as a religious credo. EG: this belief that misogyny is rampant.

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Which is not the same as saying someone who shoots in a game will shoot someone in real-life (as Jack Thompson would allege) but way more nebulous concepts and ideas reinforce other ideas and norms if internalized passively and are not challenged.

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Usually it is not because the shaykh has superstar looks that entices the sisters… it his knowledge, his authority and above all, his popularity… wow, so cool to be the “shaykh’s wife”. So, what does separation have to do with the solution completely escapes me.

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